Monday, November 24, 2014

Christmas music and movies before Thanksgiving

I was in the store over the weekend and I could not believe my ears, Christmas music was already being played. It is not even Thanksgiving yet and many stores have already put on their Christmas albums. Is it me or isn't it just a tad bit early for Christmas music and movies? I mean we are not even at Thanksgiving yet. I can understand if it is Thanksgiving weekend as that it the weekend that everyone really starts their Christmas shopping and gets into the holiday spirit.

I was in shock that I really heard Christmas before this weekend while I was picking up some groceries at the Safeway that is right next to my apartment. I have not even finished my Thanksgiving shopping and enjoyed the best holiday and I have to hear Christmas music already? It is just too early for that right now. I know that businesses want to get into the Christmas spirit and boost their sells but this is also how people get tired of the holidays as well. I actually did my best to get in and get out as quick as I could because I was not ready to hear Deck the Halls playing. I love the Fall season and Thanksgiving. To me Thanksgiving is the best holiday because it is the least stress of the holidays and I hate that everyone wants to rush right through it.

Thanksgiving you get to spend time with the family, cook a great dinner, play some games, football games, and a time to be thankful for everything that we have. It is a time to reflect on yourself and family and not take what you have for granted as we all do throughout the year. You are not worry about what presents you need to buy and if so or so is going to like what you got them. It's a time to come together with each other and really enjoy your time together. There is a lot that goes with Thanksgiving and I do not think people really realize that. Most just want to rush through dinner, take a nap, and get ready for Christmas. I get that many people love the Christmas season and so do I, but I do feel that to start getting Christmas lights, the music, the movies, and the rest before Thanksgiving weekend is still too early.

I am someone that does not start with the Christmas music, movies, and the decorations until the first of December. To me December 1st is the start of the Christmas season. That is when I start getting into the season and start getting my decorations out of the closet. Maybe I am Scrooge but Christmas music and movies should not be played until the first of December.