Monday, November 24, 2014

Christmas music and movies before Thanksgiving

I was in the store over the weekend and I could not believe my ears, Christmas music was already being played. It is not even Thanksgiving yet and many stores have already put on their Christmas albums. Is it me or isn't it just a tad bit early for Christmas music and movies? I mean we are not even at Thanksgiving yet. I can understand if it is Thanksgiving weekend as that it the weekend that everyone really starts their Christmas shopping and gets into the holiday spirit.

I was in shock that I really heard Christmas before this weekend while I was picking up some groceries at the Safeway that is right next to my apartment. I have not even finished my Thanksgiving shopping and enjoyed the best holiday and I have to hear Christmas music already? It is just too early for that right now. I know that businesses want to get into the Christmas spirit and boost their sells but this is also how people get tired of the holidays as well. I actually did my best to get in and get out as quick as I could because I was not ready to hear Deck the Halls playing. I love the Fall season and Thanksgiving. To me Thanksgiving is the best holiday because it is the least stress of the holidays and I hate that everyone wants to rush right through it.

Thanksgiving you get to spend time with the family, cook a great dinner, play some games, football games, and a time to be thankful for everything that we have. It is a time to reflect on yourself and family and not take what you have for granted as we all do throughout the year. You are not worry about what presents you need to buy and if so or so is going to like what you got them. It's a time to come together with each other and really enjoy your time together. There is a lot that goes with Thanksgiving and I do not think people really realize that. Most just want to rush through dinner, take a nap, and get ready for Christmas. I get that many people love the Christmas season and so do I, but I do feel that to start getting Christmas lights, the music, the movies, and the rest before Thanksgiving weekend is still too early.

I am someone that does not start with the Christmas music, movies, and the decorations until the first of December. To me December 1st is the start of the Christmas season. That is when I start getting into the season and start getting my decorations out of the closet. Maybe I am Scrooge but Christmas music and movies should not be played until the first of December.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

How Our Pets Mean So Much to Us

I came home the other night and as I opened my front door I had both my cats greet me as I entered. It is always a warm feeling when I come home from a long day or night at work and get to see that I am greeted by these two every day. I do not know if it is because they did miss me all day or if they are just hungry, but either way I love the feeling.

Growing up I have always had pets both cats and dogs. Living alone now it is easier to have the cats, but at some point I will get another dog at some point. But, that just makes me an animal lover and I really could not imagine not having any type of pet around. I have to say that I am a lucky one with my cats as they are both very friendly and have a ton of character. My orange tabby likes to play fetch, comes when you call his name, and likes to sit on your lap at night.

We as people get very attached to our pets that we tend to spoil them and sometimes treat them better than we treat ourselves. Now, I have not done some of these things but people like to dress their pets in clothing, there are doggy spas where they can even get massages, and so much more that the list can go on and on. The only way that I spoil my cats is just by giving them attention and buying them toys that they enjoy to play with. I cannot envision dressing my animals up in sweaters, jewelry, shirts, or whatever else people come up with.

All I know is that my cats make me happy when I am at home. I cannot imagine not coming home to them. How do you treat your pets? Do you have any funny stories that you would like to share?


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Rejections in One Night

So, I was out a few nights ago sitting up at the bar having my dinner and really just people watching. People watching is a hoppy of mine probably because I have been in the hospitality industry since I was 15 years old and I have seen many interesting things. So, when I go out I have more fun really just watching the others around me and seeing what type of antics they do.

One this night there were these two girls sitting a few seats down from me and I could hear them talking about the different guys that were there are the bar. This one girl, we will call her blondie, had brought these two guys a shot. Well, the guys took the shot and finally came over to thank the girls for them. Now, sometimes the conversations will last a few minutes or so but this one was more of a thank you and bye. Once the guys left the girls were shocked that the guys did not want to stay longer to chat or have a drink with them.

About fifteen minutes later the girls try it again with another two guys. This time the guys looked over at the girls said thank you and then walked away. Now, I am sitting here thinking ok you have struck out twice now so maybe they will give up. Nope that was not the case. About another fifteen minutes or later go by and the girls buy another shot for their third round of guys. This time the guys were sitting next to me so I was right in the middle this time. The guys took the shots and turned their heads to thank the girls and that was it. These guys that were sitting next to me were talking and they were talking about why would you buy a shot or drink for someone and not even come and say hello. The other guy agreed and said that they had brought drinks for the guys behind them earlier so they had no interest at all talking to the girls.

So, my thing is this for all the guys and women out there. How many times is enough to be rejected in one night? I know we all do not like to admit rejection, but I am sure we all have been there before. I would be interested in knowing what you think. I know once I hit two times that it is not my night and I am ready to pack it in. What about you?  

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Would you Risk your Job for Marijuana

So, I was reading the other day on Yahoo news about Mike Boyer being the first person in line to purchase recreational marijuana. Boyer, sent 19 hours waiting in line so that he could be the first person to purchase the pot. I know that for some people this is a big deal because they want to continue to get high and not worry about their every day life.

I have to say that I have better things to do than spend 19 hours in line to buy a product that is going to cost $50 just to feel good for a few hours. Now, yes it is now legal to purchase in the state of Washington, but employers are still not giving you a free pass to test positive for drugs. Is it really the risk to lose your job just so you can get high? Boyer felt so as in his interview he did not really seem to care that he had just gotten fired because his drug test was positive.

If you would have asked me a few years ago I would have said yes that marijuana should be legal and people should be free to smoke if they wish. It is something that does goes from the earth so why all the big fuss? Well, as I have gotten older and seen what it can do to people I would have to say that for marijuana to be legal to purchase could be a very big mistake. I am all for it being used for medical purposes because it does help in some cases, but for people to be able to run around and smoke could end in a bad way. There will be too many of the Boyer's out there that do not care about their jobs, only want to get high, and the risk factor is there too.

I just have to say best of luck to you Boyer as being on national news buying pot will take a little longer to land you a job. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this. Please leave a comment here on the post or on the Facebook page Renkadink!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Younger Dating Older

So, I was listening to the Bobby Bones Show on Wednesday as I was driving into work and they were talking about something interesting. Bobby was stating that as men hit the age of 39 younger women tend not to find them as attractive. That younger girls find men that age too old and would not consider dating them or really giving them the time of day.

I find this interesting because I can see both sides to this and it also got we wondering what is really too old to be dating someone? There are many couples out there that the woman is in her 20's and the guy is in his 30's or 40's and in some even older than that. The first thing that usually jumps into people's minds is that the younger woman is just after the guys money. We have seen and heard this many times over and over. But, can a younger girl just find an older guy attractive and have some common interests? With social media and how times have changed over the years it is easier to have someone who is 24 and 40 to like the same things. Now the person that is 24 might not have all of the experience that the 40 year old has, but maybe that 40 year old is now just starting to really live their life. With people working very hard and trying to get their career off the ground some times put their life on hold to get ahead.

I guess that brings me to my question as to what is too old to be dating someone? As a 31 year old guy myself I would not be out dating an 18 year old at all. I have made jokes in the past as saying "oh she is 18 she is legal'. But, in all truth what am I am an 18 year old really going to have in common? I could not even take her out to get a drink after a movie, unless it was for a cold glass of milk. There are many guys out there that just love girls that age, but I would have to say no thank you. But, where do you draw the line? How do you draw the line? As adults if you are 38 and you meet a 31 year old and you both get along great, but the 38 year old says to the 31 year old that they are too young? Well, how so? What if they both are looking for the same thing, have many of the same interests, and enjoy spending time together. I think in some cases people put too much on an age difference. I feel that once you hit your 30's dating someone 10 years older is not such a big deal. However, dating someone 10 years younger is not the greatest idea either.

So, what are your thoughts on age difference in dating? Any younger ladies out there really like older men? Let me know your thought!