Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Why is it so hard for people to drive?

Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult for people to drive properly? What I mean by this is that I have never understood why people have to drive 5MPH when going by a police car that has pulled someone over or an accident that is all the way over on the shoulder and is not having any effect on the lanes. Why do people feel that they have to look to see what is going on?

It really gets me that people will hold up traffic or take the risk of another accident in order just to see what is going on with some one else. Do you really have to be that damn noisy? I travel on one of the busiest and most trafficked road there is, I66 in Washington DC, and a good amount of traffic I encounter is from other drivers just wanting to see what is going on and drive 5MPH. There are days that it takes me an hour to go the 5 miles when it should only take about 15 minutes, and most of it is because people need to know what is going on. It's not like there is a cop standing out there giving everyone a play by play of what is going on nor is there a sign explaining the situation.

When there is an accident or roadwork that is blocking a lane why do drivers find it so hard to merge over to another lane? People will drive all the way up to the coned off area and not try to switch lanes prior to that point. Do people really think that they are going to get much further by going all the way up to the coned off area than merging ahead of time? No, instead all they do is hold up traffic even more. They think that they are these smart drivers but on the contrary they make themselves look stupid. But, this also goes for the bone head drivers that will not let someone over when they have their turn signal on. Don't these people know that traffic will speed up if they would let others over into the lane. It drives my nuts when I watch this while I am sitting in traffic. When I know a lane is going to end I tend to leave a good car and a half length in front of me so that others and merge over before the lane runs out. It's funny to count how many cars go by me and not move in front of me when I give them enough room. Again, drivers who are not smart.

In addition to drivers me not so bright they are also very lazy. I realized this the other day when I was pulling into the parking lot of the local shopping center. I parked my car as there were tons of parking spaces around. As I was walking from my car towards the entrance of the store there were 3 cars waiting for the same parking space as it was closer to the door. It made me laugh as there were at least two dozen parking spaces over where I was parked, but these people wanted the closest space possible. As long as it would take for these people to either wait for a space or drive around to find a close space they could have parked just a bit further away and walked to the store faster than waiting for a closer spot. Have people really have gotten this lazy that they do not want to even walk a few extra feet? Does it really make a difference to park a few spaces closer? These are all questions I ask myself as some times I wonder how some people even got their drivers license.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Can you Admit When you are Wrong?

Have you ever met someone that all you really wanted to do was either tell them off or just punch? I am not a anger or violent person at all and I tend to have a ton of patience, but sometimes a certain person comes along and you push all that aside. It is very hard to get under my skin and for me not to have a smile on my face, but the other day I had someone take me to the limit. I think that it was the point that he wanted to play the blame game, but did not want to provide any information on what happened.

This guy had parked his car in the wrong area and ended up getting towed. When I spoke to him that morning he kept saying that he parked over there and just pointed out the door. As I was trying to gather more information as to which area he parked in and ask a few questions he would not provide me with any answers at all. I informed the guy that the area that he is pointing in is not the area that he should have parked in unless informing someone about it. He kept on yelling at me telling me that I needed to fix it and pay him for the tow. At this point I was done dealing with this guy because no one was going to be able to get through to him or make him understand that he was also at fault.

The following day I spoke to this guy and apologized that I could have handle him and the situation better. To be honest I felt I handled it pretty well and held back on saying things that I really wanted to such as "You are a moron and should asked if that was an area that you could park in as there were signs that said you will be towed without a permit." Instead I said that I was sorry and that both parties were at fault usually I would reimburse 50% but I would give back the amount in full as I was trying to be nice. That we both made mistakes and that I was sorry on our end. He still could not admit that he was at fault in any way and that I needed to fix the signs out in the parking lot even thou they were not my signs to touch.

It just got to me that there are people out there that are just complete jerks and candasses. Why not just man up, grow some balls, and admit that you were wrong as well. It is not pride that you cannot admit that you are wrong it is being a bitch that you cannot admit that you are wrong. It's people like this that I cannot stand do not respect at all.

Have you met anyone like this? Please leave your story on my facebook page. www.facebook.com/rollinwrenkadink